The journey to smooth and even-toned skin is different for each individual. Treatment advice might include peels, skin boosters , polynucleotides or a combination. Hand rejuvenation treatment is suitable for anyone with troughs in their hands, crepey skin, pigmentation or brown spots, or other signs of ageing in this area.

  • Ultimate Hand revival

    A combination of bio stimulators (skin boosters or polyneucleotides ) chemical peels and LED

    Recommended course: 3 sessions, 2-4 weeks apart

    PAIN POINT: Mild- moderate

    SOCIAL DOWNTIME: Potential for bruising, dry flaky skin for 7-10 days

    LASTING RESULTS: 6-9 months

  • The Hand Peel

    It is an innovative medical peel, that uses patented 2-phase technology to provide a bio-stimulating, revitalizing & peeling-like effect. It is one of the newest peels on the market from Italy.

    Recommended course: 3 sessions, 2-4 weeks apart

    PAIN POINT: Mild

    SOCIAL DOWNTIME: dry, flaky skin for 7-10 days

    LASTING RESULTS: 6-9 months

Recommended course: 3 sessions, 2-4 weeks apart

PAIN POINT: Mild (numbing cream is applied prior to injectable treatments)

SOCIAL DOWNTIME: often 24 hours but potential for bruising

LOOKING GOOD: results are seen within 1 week and continue to improve over 3-6 months