
Acne is very common and affects most people at some point, it can occur on the face, chest, back and shoulders. It looks like small or large red bumps on the skin which can be painful to the touch and sometimes filled with pus. Acne occurs when sebum is unable to leave the skin because a hair follicle is blocked. This may result in growth of bacteria below the surface of the skin. Inflammation can occur, and a rupture of an inflamed area can lead to scarring.

​Acne can occur due to age, stress, diet, hormones and hormonal changes, a buildup of dead skin cells, family history of acne, too many greasy or oily products coming into contact with the skin, excess sebum and/or oil production or too much friction. 

​The right skin care regime, good skin protection and a healthy lifestyle with plenty of rest, water and a balanced diet can all help improve acne. Whilst there is no cure for acne, it is possible to control it with the right treatment. This treatment won’t be the same for everyone, treatment depends on what causes your acne, what types of spots or congestion your acne is causing and what your skin is like and responds to.

At The Cotswold Skin Clinic I offer 2 skincare options which utilise different ingredients and technologies.

Obagi CLENZIderm M.D Systems contains a patented, soluble form of 5% benzoyl peroxide which have been clinically proven to penetrate the follicles for effective reduction of acne.

Whereas Meder Eu-Seb uses Prebiotic therapy, a new approach to the treatment of acne and skin inflammation.