Hair Loss

The AnteAge MD hair treatment often strengthens and stimulates new growth whilst preventing hair from falling out too early during the cycle;  it does this by combining 9 bio-identical recombinant growth factors and Cytosignals that are responsible for hair follicle replication and regeneration.  This treatment is an excellent natural alternative to other rejuvenation treatments, particularly if you are worried about injections.

  • Stem Cell Microneedling for Hair Regrowth

    AnteAGE MD® Hair Growth Factor Solution is formulated with the most recent advances in hair follicle science. Nine bio-identical recombinant growth factors and Cyto signals responsible for hair follicle replication and regeneration are added for a more targeted follicular focus. Formulated with a hyaluronic acid base and no toxic ingredients seen in other micro needling solutions make this the most scientifically advanced product of its type. As you age, the growth (or "anagen") phase of your hair cycle gets shorter and shorter, resulting in hair loss and thinning. Want to reverse the process? Use growth factors.

PAIN POINT: mild (numbing cream is applied prior to treatment)

SOCIAL DOWNTIME: up to 24 hours

LOOKING GOOD: results are seen within 3-4 treatments

LASTING RESULTS: up to 9-12 months

COURSE: five treatments, 2-4 weeks apart, then maintenance every 3 months.