About me?

How did it all begin?

Medicine and skin aging were always something I was drawn to learning more about. But I hate ‘fad’ treatments, and false promises and I would always want to know that a product or treatment can give me RESULTS. In my treatments, I marry skincare with my background in medicine, psychology and anatomy.

What sets your business apart?

At the heart of my approach is a new definition of beauty: healthy ageing and looking and feeling better.

What is your vision?

To continue to help more women realise that we can age beautifully and that caring for our health and wellness will benefit us.

What do you feel passionate about?

I am passionate about helping people feel confident with their skin. It’s important to me that everyone feels beautiful and empowered, both inside and out.

Proudest moment of your journey so far?

I felt proud and honored when I was offered to work alongside other amazing therapists on the Lucie app. My proudest moment however was passing my prescribers course at Salford University and becoming an Independent Nurse Prescriber.

What do you love most about your work?

I love being able to use my training to help people feel confident and good about themselves. I also love that the same skill that drew me towards intensive care is involved in doing aesthetic procedures, with practitioners needing a good understanding of the complexities of anatomy and being very nimble with their fingers! I also love the creativity and artistry that goes into the work to create beautiful, natural results.

How do you like to spend your free time?

I am deeply interested in yoga and pilates, it has taken a long time to realise that for me personally, this style of exercise suited me much better than running or HIIT work outs. A gentle exercise session followed by an Infrared sauna is my dream morning.

What is your favourite skincare product and why?

Top of the list is Obagi and Neostrata. At the moment with Winter in full force I have increased my use of retinol and Vitamin C, and Obagi does the best Vit C serum and cleanser, It's gorgeous and I've seen stunning results. To prep skin for peels I use Mesoestetic which do a great range for specific skin concerns.

Also, don't forget SPF! There are some amazing brands out there now, my current favourites are Heliocare and AlumierMD. If you need to know more, I offer GetHarley skin consultations.

What was the most memorable event in your life?

Setting aside my wedding and the birth of my children, I will never forget how proud I felt of my husband when he was nominated for a Baftas and Oscar for his work in the film industry. It reminds me that with hard work anybody can achieve their ambitions.

If you would like to know more about how I can help you acheive your skin goals, get in touch, Either email me at info@thecotswoldskinclinic.co.uk or book an appointment HERE


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